Order & Ship

Order and pay

Have you found the item you want to buy?
Click on the 'order' button. The item will now appear in the shopping cart.
Would you like to continue shopping? No problem. The item remains in your shopping cart.
Do you want to pay? Go to the shopping cart and click on the 'Checkout' button.
Log in to your account or, if you don't have one yet, create an account during the order.
Don't want to create an account? Select the option 'Proceed to order'
Now you can enter your details and indicate the address where you want the order to be delivered.
You can also optionally enter your company details, so that the invoice is in the name of your company.

Shipping and delivery

As soon as your order is ready for shipment, you will automatically receive a Track and Trace code. Post NL delivers in most cases the next day.

For questions regarding your order, please contact
One of our employees will be happy to assist you.