Terms and Conditions

Terms and conditions


1. Repairs are based on the complaints described on the repair form


2. The price of the repair is determined exclusively on the basis of the prices as stated on the website. The price consists of the parts, the installation costs and is increased by the shipping costs, including VAT.


3. If the activities are not listed on the website, a provisional quotation will be made after consultation by telephone. This will be confirmed in writing by email after arrival of the device. The price is always increased by the shipping costs.

Free inquiry

4. If investigation shows that the price of the repair will be higher than the cost estimate as stated on the website, the customer will be asked whether he wants to have the product repaired for that higher price. In that case, the repair will only take place after the customer's permission. If the website does not report a cost estimate and the price can only be determined after investigation, the customer will be asked if he wants to have the product repaired for that price. In that case, too, the repair will only take place after the customer's permission.

5. The customer can, however, waive further services by MB Electronics and then only pay the shipping costs of the return shipment


6. Unless otherwise agreed, new parts will be used. Or if this is customary with regard to such a part, exchange parts. If the customer indicates this in advance, MB Electronics will make the replaced parts available to the customer.

7. After the repair, the customer will receive a message by e-mail, with a short description of the work performed and the details for payment of the repair.


8. MB Electronics is liable for loss and theft of the product, its accessories and accessories, as well as for damage caused thereto from the time of issue until the time of return. Return shipments are always done by MB Electronics by registered and insured shipment by PostNL. Compensation by PostNL is a maximum of € 5,400.

– When a device is delivered and it is found that it has been repaired by someone else, MB Electronics is not liable for the non-functioning (or no longer) functioning of the previously repaired part.


9. MB Electronics offers registered insured shipping as standard, this insurance is issued by PostNL and will be handled with PostNL in the event of loss or theft by MB Electronics . MB Electronics will pay you the damage amount immediately after PostNL has settled the claim.


10. MB Electronics gives a warranty of 12 months after the repair has been completed. This warranty period starts at the time of shipment of the product to the customer. No guarantee is given on cleaning or maintenance, as well as on repairs made to products with lightning, water, sand or moisture damage, unless the contrary is expressly stated on the repair form.

11. If the complaints referred to in Article 1 return within 12 months after delivery of the repaired product, MB Electronics will provide a statement of the price for a new repair.

a. With the same cause of the complaint, only the parts that were not replaced during the previous repair will be charged.

b. If it appears that the cause of the complaint is different from that of the previous repair, the costs of the new repair as referred to in Article 2 will be passed on to the customer.

c. After repair of the product, the factory warranty expires and MB Electronics is not liable for the expiry of the factory warranty.

d. MB Electronics is explicitly in no way liable or responsible for physical damage to the glass or LCD screen within or outside the warranty period.

e. For reflow work, a different warranty period of 3 months applies.

f. The warranty expires at the moment there is damage from falling, pressure damage or any other form of external damage.

Loss of Data

12. MB Electronics is not liable for loss of data. A number of repairs, such as replacing motherboards, hard drives and batteries, can lead to the loss of data. MB Electronics points this out via the website. The customer is asked to make a backup of his data before sending or bringing the product to MB Electronics . The customer is responsible for securing his data.

Unpaid/collected products

13. If the customer has failed to pay for the repair of the product for a period of three months, MB Electronics is entitled to sell the product and recover the amount due from the proceeds. The additional costs for recovery will be passed on to the customer.


14. Dutch law applies to all disputes relating to repairs. Only a Dutch court is authorized to rule on these disputes.

15. All other disputes, in deviation from the legal rules for the jurisdiction of the civil court, in case the Court has jurisdiction, will be settled by the Court in the place of business or district of the entrepreneur. However, MB Electronics remains authorized to summon the customer before the competent court according to the law or the applicable international treaty.

16. The consumer has the right, during five weeks after MB Electronics has invoked the previous article, to opt for the dispute to be settled by the civil court that is competent according to the law or the applicable international treaty.